Agape Village School took less than a year to build. It has eight classrooms, a library, bathrooms, storage rooms and offices.
It opened in January 2019, when the new Zambian school year started.
Top left, students in grade 4 are sporting new scarves, a gift from a church in America. May, June and July are winter months in Zambia, which is located south of the equator, and scarves are greatly appreciated by the Agape children. Top right, four students in the newly formed Agape Chess Club are concentrating very intently on their next moves.
Top left, Agape Village children are dressed for soccer, the favorite sport in Zambia and very popular at Agape Orphanage and School. Top right, students work together on a school project.
As God leads us in every step at Agape Village, He has provided us with the resources to build a school on the grounds of Agape Village Orphanage. Set a few hundred yards behind the orphanage, this school will allow us to offer a nurturing and all encompassing education to the students in grades 1-7 at Agape Orphanage and, as room allows, to children from neighboring villages. Agape Village Orphanage Director, Nyawa Lungu, says the school will lead to many blessings for the children. “I know for sure the school will bring about big dreams in our children as they will get an opportunity to learn in a way they haven’t had access to before.”
One of the Agape children's favorite Bible verses is from Matthew 7:7 --
"Ask and it will be given to you, seek and you will find, knock and the door will be opened for you."
God is so good.
Agape Village School Teaching Staff
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